Breakfast with Friends

Breakfast with friends at a local restaurant chain called White Spot. The original owner was called Nat Bailey. I had the "Nat's Hearty Breakfast," one of my favourite meals here. You can choose bacon, back bacon or sausages to go with your eggs. I chose the sausages... and poached eggs. I didn't order the toast or smashed pototaoes, just asked for grilled tomatoes instead. A fine low-carb breakfast, good company and a nice start to my day. Afterwards, I wandered around the mall where this particular White Spot is located and I bought shoes at The Shoe Company and a top at Winners. I love both my purchases!

Later I took my dogs to the vet to get their post-teeth-cleaning checkup. All is good. Lucy's two extraction sites are healing nicely. (Banner was really just along for emotional support as he didn't have any extractions.)

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