Slow-cooked Bacon Purses


  • 1 package (500 gm) Kirkland Signature Bacon (Canadian Costco product)


Pre-heat oven to 250 F/120 C.

Cover one regular-sized cookie sheet with tin foil. Place two racks on the foil-covered cookie sheet; overlap racks, if necessary. Try not to puncture foil.

Fold slices of bacon in half, end-to-end, to make "purses." Put folded pieces of bacon on the racks side-by-side, not overlapping. [One package of Kirkland bacon will fit on the cookie sheet. If you are using another brand of bacon, adjust accordingl, e.g., you may need to use two cookie sheets instead of one, or half a package of bacon.]

Cook bacon 2-3 hours, or until as crisp as you like it.

Remove bacon and racks.

Fold tin foil into a funnel shape and pour fat into a heat-proof jar. Use a fine strainer or filter (e.g., tea strainer, cheesecloth, coffee filter, nutmilk bag), if you want a lovely, clear fat that will keep a lot longer than unstrained fat. Use for cooking, salad dressings or bacon mayo.

Note: Kirkland is my favourite brand of bacon; it's delicious and not overly salty. It makes a great snack even when cold from the fridge. Keep it on hand for when the munchies strike. On a low-carb diet, carb-free snacks are a major key to success.


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