Egg Custard

Low Carb Snacks

If you typically eat one or two high-protein, low-carb meals a day, you probably don’t need to snack very often. Nevertheless, in my limited experience, snacking is almost inevitable. So, when you do choose to snack, what you choose to snack on becomes very important. Animal protein is your best choice: cold steak hard-boiled eggs…

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Steamed Egg Custard – Instant Pot Recipe

The secret to steamed egg custard is equal amounts (liquid measure) of eggs and water. Put 1 cup water in Instant Pot. Combine eggs and an equal amount of water in a heat-proof bowl or measuring cup, blend well. Place bowl in Instant Pot. You can cover the bowl, if you wish, but not necessary.…

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What is the BBBE Diet?

THE BBBE (Beef, Bacon, Butter, Eggs) DIET: I learned something today! Apparently, BEEF actually means any ruminant (beef, goat, lamb, bison, deer, elk, moose) and BACON just means pork (pigs are not ruminants). BUTTER includes ghee/clarified butter. And, to me, if you can eat EGGS, why can’t you eat chicken? I think this is really…

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