Cold Steak and Potato

Steak and... potato! Gasp?! WHAT?!!

Yep, ANY food can be low carb or keto if you only eat your daily carb limit of it. Also, remember that I am on maintenance. Half a small potato = ~22 total grams of carbs. No other carbs will be eaten today.
I have a lot of issues with fibre, but potatoes don't bother my gut like so many vegetables do. I was talking to Amy Berger one day about my digestive issues, and she suggested that I might tolerate a little potato. Since I have happily maintained my weight for over a year now, I decided I could experiment with this idea. So far, I've had potato once or twice a week for the last few weeks and everything seems okay. (And I am still 117 pounds.)
The really great news is that potato doesn't call to me; I can take it or leave it. I think I probably knew this, but I was still kind of paranoid about adding such an obviously starchy food to my low-carb lifestyle! Plus, potato is not a goitrogenic vegetable (like the brassicas: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, etc.), which I probably shouldn't eat very often as I have low thyroid. And ALL brassicas affect my gut negatively. Potato is a nightshade, though, so some people won't tolerate it for that reason; I haven't noticed any effects, personally.
According to Google, "The fiber found in potatoes is a special type called 'resistant starch,' which has the health benefits of both soluble fiber and insoluble fiber and causes less gas than other types of fiber." I guess that's why it doesn't bother my gut.
Will I keep eating potatoes? Yes, I will probably have them now and then.
I may also experiment with white rice (1/2 cup has ~26 total grams of carbs) as I think it also falls into the category of resistant starch. And I know it won't call to me, because I make rice regularly for my dogs, and I have never once been tempted to eat it. And, in case you are sensitive to nightshades, rice could be a better option for you.
I will never eat copious amounts of starch again, so don't worry that I've fallen down a dangerous rabbit hole; I haven't! I'm just exploring some safe (for me) options that the maintenance low-carb lifestyle could offer.

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