Copycat Food

JUST MY OPINION: I think trying to replace high-carb foods with low-carb copycats is a waste of time, money and energy. If you have to have a certain high-carb food, just go out and eat it once every couple of months and immediately return to low-carb.

No fiddling with pseudo-pizza, pretend pie crust, almost lasagna, etc. Just eat low-carb meals at home. You know, salad and steak, chicken and vegetables, an omelette, eggs and bacon, meaty soups and stews, a delicious fry-up without the baked beans or hashbrowns. Simple and much easier than trying to replicate something that you can never really replicate!

If I wanted to eat potato chips (I don't, but let's pretend), I would go out and buy the smallest size I could find and eat it while shopping at the mall or driving to the hairdresser or something like that. Make it a rare occurrence, never take it home and never buy more than one serving.

On Monday I bought one hot dog (with the bun and the condiments!) and a diet Pepsi after shopping at Costco with my friend. We ate our hot dogs in the car (Covid restrictions)... and that will be that until we go shopping at Costco again in 6-8 weeks. It's our little ritual and we thoroughly enjoy it. It doesn't affect my weight and there's nothing calling to me when I get home.

When I have made the mistake of buying fake bread, I can hear carbs calling to me even though the bread is low-carb! Enough of that nonsense! I've had to throw out most of the bread (to stop it calling to me) so it's just a real waste of money. And it doesn't even taste good! I'll save my money for a good ribeye!

Caveat: I have never been diabetic or pre-diabetic. And this is not advice for everyone, just my thoughts... and maybe food for thought for others!

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