Easy-peasy, No-mess Bacon Recipe

I love having bacon on hand, but I hate how messy frying bacon is, and I often can't be bothered doing a few slices at a time in the air fryer, so I do this:
I set a couple of racks on a sheet pan and place bacon on the racks, trying not to overlap the slices. Bacon shrinks a lot, so you don't have to be too fussy about this. I set my oven to 250F/120C. Two or three hours later my house smells amazing and the bacon is perfectly cooked and crispy. I keep checking until it's exactly the crispness I prefer. After removing the bacon, I pour the fat off the sheet pan into a glass jar and use it for cooking. Finally, I put the sheet pan and racks in the dishwasher. No mess, no splatter anywhere.
I found this idea in Mark Sisson's "Primal Blueprint Cookbook" a few years ago and it was a game-changer for me.
In other countries bacon might not be cut the same, or have the same amount of fat, as Canadian/American bacon, so not sure if this idea will work for everyone, but if you are in Canada or the US... definitely give this a try!

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