Pasta and Sausages (Not Low Carb)

Decided to buy a pound of penne pasta in order to use some baby tomatoes that were languishing on the counter and some discounted spinach from Walmart. I air-fried some English Banger Sausages from Save-on-Foods and made a pasta dish that is definitely NOT low-carb or probably even maintenance. So we will see what the scale says tomorrow! This could be a slippery slope... if it wasn't a deliberate experiment. And eating only one meal might save the day in this instance. I have a totally unproven theory that if you only eat one meal a day, it probably doesn't matter too much what you eat at that meal (within reason, of course). And, with two dogs, most things don't go to waste if I decide I'd better not eat them! One of my dogs will eat virtually anything; the other one is pickier, but not THAT picky!


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