What is the BBBE Diet?

THE BBBE (Beef, Bacon, Butter, Eggs) DIET: I learned something today! Apparently, BEEF actually means any ruminant (beef, goat, lamb, bison, deer, elk, moose) and BACON just means pork (pigs are not ruminants). BUTTER includes ghee/clarified butter. And, to me, if you can eat EGGS, why can't you eat chicken? I think this is really just a carnivore diet (minus the seafood)! Carnivore is a great way of eating for: losing weight, breaking weightloss stalls, reducing inflammation, alleviating many digestive issues and reversing metabolic disorders, like Type 2 Diabetes. Here are some of my BBBE-type meals from the last few months.

Beef Finger Meat
Beef Finger Meat
Ribeye Steak
Ribeye Steak
Steamed Egg Custard, Just Eggs and Water
Steamed Egg Custard, Just Eggs and Water
Air-fried Twisted Bacon
Air-fried Twisted Bacon
Beef Meat Bars, Steak, Bacon, Boiled Eggs
Beef Meat Bars, Steak, Bacon, Boiled Eggs
Bacon, Eggs Scrambled in Lots of Butter
Bacon, Eggs Scrambled in Lots of Butter

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